
AlteraCorp isn't a single entity, rather a college of several corporations from all over the world. They have been carefully selected by the factions in-play, and they all want their share of what is on the other side of the portal.


The Libyan Covenant (Africa)

Driven by the power and legacy of Africa’s ancient knowledge, these corporations are rooted in preserving and advancing African influence across the world.


Orun Laboratories

Focus: Biotechnology & Medicine

Orun Laboratories develops life-saving drugs derived from Africa’s biodiversity, working to rediscover the ancient medicinal knowledge of African civilisations. They fund covert bio-prospecting missions across the continent.


Kush Energy

Focus: Renewable Energy & Infrastructure

Named after the ancient Kingdom of Kush, this corporation leads the green energy revolution in Africa, tapping into solar, wind, and geothermal resources. Their ultimate goal is to break Africa’s dependency on foreign energy companies.


Sankofa Dynamics

Focus: Archaeological Consulting & Cultural Preservation

Sankofa Dynamics manages archaeological sites and ancient cultural heritages, making sure they are preserved. They also work closely with international museums and governments to recover artifacts that have been plundered from Africa.



The Order of Asu (Asia)

The Order of Asu's corporations reflect its focus on spiritual wisdom, advanced technologies, and the hidden ancient knowledge of Asia.


Lotus Intelligence

Focus: Cybersecurity & Espionage

Lotus Intelligence specialises in cybersecurity and digital espionage, protecting Asia’s digital frontiers and keeping the secrets of the Order hidden. They are active in both private and governmental sectors.


Silk Road Ventures

Focus: International Trade & Investment

Silk Road Ventures is a major investment firm that funds infrastructure and trade projects across Asia. Its mission is to revive the ancient Silk Road as a modern-day economic powerhouse.


Serica Pharmaceuticals

Focus: Traditional & Modern Medicine

Combining modern pharmaceutical techniques with ancient Chinese, Indian, and Persian medical traditions, Serica Pharmaceuticals produces holistic medical solutions. Their influence is growing in both Eastern and Western medical markets.


Kailash Innovations

Focus: Quantum Computing & Artificial Intelligence

Named after Mount Kailash, this cutting-edge technology company develops AI systems and quantum computing algorithms, secretly driven by the Order’s pursuit of higher knowledge and metaphysical understanding.



The Europa Consortium (Europe)

The Europa Consortium’s corporations are intellectual powerhouses, focused on European unity, technological advancement, and maintaining cultural dominance.


Helios Technologies

Focus: Renewable Energy & Advanced Materials

Helios Technologies pioneers Europe’s renewable energy and clean technology sectors, developing new energy solutions inspired by ancient Greco-Roman knowledge of natural forces.


Imperial Ventures Group

Focus: Finance & Banking

A financial empire with roots in the old European aristocracy, Imperial Ventures controls numerous banks and investment firms. They secretly fund projects aligned with the Consortium’s goal of a unified and powerful Europe.


Astra Defence Systems

Focus: Military Technology & Aerospace

This corporation supplies cutting-edge military hardware and aerospace technologies to European governments. Astra Defence Systems plays a crucial role in securing the military power base of the Consortium.


Gallica Biosystems

Focus: Biotechnology & Genomics

Named after ancient Gaul, Gallica Biosystems specialises in genetic research and bio-engineering, pushing the boundaries of human evolution and health. Their secretive projects may aim to create a "superhuman" for the new European order.



Turtle Island Collective (North America)

The Turtle Island Collective's corporations focus on environmental sustainability, indigenous rights, and returning North America to balance with nature.


Sacred Earth Industries

Focus: Environmental Technology & Conservation

Sacred Earth Industries develops cutting-edge environmental technologies, from clean water solutions to carbon capture devices. Their goal is to heal the land and restore its natural harmony.


Sky Turtle Aviation

Focus: Aviation & Sustainable Transport

Sky Turtle is a North American company that leads in the development of eco-friendly aviation technology, focusing on creating carbon-neutral aircraft using biofuel and solar power.


Talon Security Solutions

Focus: Private Security & Indigenous Land Protection
Talon Security specialises in the protection of sacred indigenous lands and natural reserves. They work under the guise of a private security company but have deep roots in the Turtle Island Collective’s fight for indigenous sovereignty.


The Caruana Pact (South America)

The corporations of the Caruana Pact are deeply involved in South American resource management, environmental preservation, and indigenous empowerment.


Pachamama AgroTech

Focus: Agriculture & Sustainable Farming

Pachamama AgroTech blends ancient agricultural techniques with modern technologies, focusing on sustainable farming and preserving the biodiversity of the Amazon rainforest.


Andes Energy

Focus: Renewable Energy & Infrastructure

A key player in developing hydroelectric, solar, and wind power in the Andes region, Andes Energy is committed to reducing reliance on foreign energy corporations while respecting the land’s spiritual significance.


Jaguar Biotech

Focus: Pharmaceutical & Biodiversity Research

Jaguar Biotech is focused on researching the medicinal properties of South American flora, particularly in the Amazon rainforest. They are working to uncover ancient knowledge of plant-based medicine.


Qhapaq Nan Ventures

Focus: Transportation & Logistics

Named after the ancient Incan road system, Qhapaq Nan Ventures is revolutionising logistics across South America, ensuring indigenous communities remain connected while preserving the continent’s rich cultural history.



Terra Australis Alliance (Australia)

These corporations are focused on preserving Australia’s natural and cultural heritage while harnessing its ancient wisdom and natural resources.


Dreamtime Innovations

Focus: Indigenous Technology & Cultural Preservation

Dreamtime Innovations works to incorporate indigenous knowledge into modern technology. They specialise in creating sustainable solutions inspired by Aboriginal wisdom.


Outback Mining Consortium

Focus: Resource Extraction & Environmental Protection

Outback Mining Consortium is one of Australia’s largest mining corporations, though it operates under strict ethical guidelines to minimise environmental impact and work in harmony with the land.


Southern Cross Aerospace

Focus: Aerospace & Space Exploration

Southern Cross Aerospace leads Australia’s fledgling space industry, working on projects related to satellite development, space exploration, and even rumoured experiments with extraterrestrial phenomena.


The Australis Syndicate (Antarctica)

The corporations of the Australis Syndicate are highly secretive, driven by their belief in uncovering the advanced technologies hidden beneath the Antarctic ice.


Polaris Advanced Systems

Focus: Military & Weather Manipulation Technology
Polaris Advanced Systems is a defence contractor that allegedly experiments with weather manipulation and secret weapons technologies developed from Antarctic research.


Cryos Solutions

Focus: Cryogenics & Life Extension

Cryos Solutions specialises in cryogenic research and life-extension technologies, said to have been developed from the remains of ancient civilisations found beneath Antarctica’s ice.


Glacier Industries

Focus: Environmental Engineering & Research

Glacier Industries leads global research on climate change and polar engineering, working to unlock the secrets of Antarctica’s frozen ecosystems while maintaining a secretive agenda about what truly lies beneath.



‘Neutral’ Corporations

These corporations, though composed of members from the seven factions, exist outside their direct control, serving global interests that transcend any one faction….allegedly.


Horizon Labs

Focus: Global Technology & Innovation
Horizon Labs is a neutral tech giant that leads innovation across sectors like AI, robotics, and biotechnology. Its diverse board of directors includes secret members from all seven factions, making it a key player in global technological advancement. This corporation is the only entity that directly interacts with the members of the original CERN project.


Aeon Global Trust

Focus: Banking & Investment

Aeon Global Trust is a powerful financial institution that manages investments for multinational corporations, governments, and secret organisations. Its neutrality ensures its services are used by all factions, giving it immense behind-the-scenes power.


Aether Exploration Group

Focus: Exploration & Environmental Science

Aether Exploration Group is a neutral organisation dedicated to the exploration of Earth’s uncharted regions and environmental conservation. It attracts adventurers and scientists from all factions, working to uncover global mysteries for the benefit of humanity, or at least some of it.


These 27 corporations exist within a tangled web of alliances, rivalries, and covert operations. While each corporation appears to function as a normal business entity, many are deeply embedded in the agendas of their respective factions, while the politically neutral corporations act as intermediaries and key influencers in global affairs. How this translates to the other side of the portal remains to be seen.